COVID Safe Performances
guidlines and protocols
We will be following the “Guidelines for COVID Safe Auditions, Rehearsals and Performances” by Live Performance Australia dated August 2020. This document can be found here.
Physical distancing
As far as reasonable practicable, our workers will maintain physical distancing within the theatre
Where physical distancing cannot be maintained, we will implement appropriate control measures including, but not limited to, PPE
We will limit the number of workers in indoor spaces according to applicable density rules: the Pop Up Stairs Theatre is 220m2 which means with 4m2 per person we can safely contain 55 people in the theatre maximum
All workers are encouraged to practise good hygiene including cough and sneeze etiquette——i.e. regular handwashing; cough or sneeze into a tissue and then dispose of tissue safely; cough or sneeze into the inside of the elbow; wash hands after coughing, sneezing, or blowing nose
There are three hygiene stations: one in each bathroom which is equipped with hand soap and water and one at front of house with sanitiser
Health monitoring
Workers have been advised not to attend work if they are unwell with COVID-19 symptoms
Workers are encouraged to complete a self-assesssment questionnaire (such as this one) prior to coming to work
Workers are advised to get tested if they develop any COVID-19 symptoms
We have a cleaning schedule of frequently used areas and high touch surfaces
We have a cleaning schedule to sanitise eqiupment, props, sets, and costumes
All workers upom commencement of work will receive a briefing in COVID safe practices and policies
We will regularly consult, revise, and update COVID safe practices and policies as required in response to changes in government regulatory frameworks governing the containment of the COVID-19 pandemic for as long as they remain in force
We will develop a schedule to clean and disinfect the rehearsal room and communal areas, particularly frequently touched surfaces
Where reasonably practicable, we will schedule rehearsals to minimise the number of participants and to allow for cleaning between rehearsal calls
Where reasonably practicable, we will undertake rehearsals in large, well-ventilated areas
We will maintain records of workers’ attendance at rehearsals
Where it is not reasonably practicable to maintain physical distancing between workers, we will implement appropriate control measures such as use of PPE
Where performers are required to participate in intimate scenes or be in close contact with other workers, this will be articulated in writing. Performers are required to provide written consent. Performers may also be asked to limit interactions with people outside of the production to reduce risks to the broader community
We will provide the company’s COVID Safe policy/plan to cast and crew
Cast and crew may be asked to:
complete a self-assessment tool for COVID-19
get tested for COVID-19 prior to commencing and throughout rehearsals
bring items (such as pen, notebook, water bottle, mug, towel) for personal use during rehearsals
Map out scenes involving close contact or intimacy including the control measures that may be implemented
During rehearsals
The permitted number of people in the rehearsal room will comply with the applicable density rules (the Pop Up Stairs Theatre is 220m2 therefore with 4m2 per person, 55 people maximum are permitted simultaneously
Where reasonably practicable we will limit the number of people in the rehearsal room to essential personnel only. Cast and crew who are not required in the rehearsal room or whose rehearsals have finished for the day shall be released and asked to leave
Workers will be asked to wash/sanitise hands upone entering rehearsal space
On the first day of rehearsal, COVID protocols will be discussed with cast and crew
Where reasonably practicable, blocking will be conducted, to the extent possible, while maintaining physical distancing
Where physical distancing is not possible:
we will implement appropriate control measures such as use of PPE
workers may be asked to limit interactions with people outside of the production to reduce risks to the broader community
upon commencement it will be discussed and agreed with all parties
As far as practicable, we will minimise time spent in close proximity to other performers
Outside the rehearsal room
We will maintain physical distancing in all other areas of the theatre
pre-production and performances
We will provide induction/briefing about the venue’s COVID health and safety policies to cast and crew
Back of house
We will maintain physical distancing while backstage
Sound and technical equipment
Where reasonably practicable we will allocate technical equipment to individuals to minimise sharing
We will clean and sanitise equipment after use
We will allocate additional time at the end of the day for cleaning and sanitisation of equipment used
Where reasonably practicable, we will allocate props to individuals to minimise sharing
For high touch props, we will clean and sanitise after each performance, where reasonably practicable.
We will regularly clean other props weekly
We will regularly clean high touch surfaces
Hair and makeup
Where reasonably practicable, cast will do their own hair and makeup
Cast are encouraged to sanitise hair and makeup kits regularly
Hair and makeup supplies should only be handled by the individual performer
Wardrobe and Costume
Where reasonably practicable, we will prevent the sharing of costume pieces
Each dressing room will be equipped with hand sanitiser
Performers will be encouraged to perform own prop checks, where possible
Performers will be encouraged to dress themselves, where possible
Anyone interacting with performers at close range will wear appropriate PPE
Dressing rooms and green rooms will be set up to facilitate physical distancing
We will prohibit sharing of comfort items such as hot water bottles, jackets, and slippers
We will ask each audience member to sign in, which will include listing their number and confirming that they do not have any COVID-19 symptoms
Our front of house will have PPE and will have hand sanitiser available
We will not be issuing programmes or flyers for future shows but instead will provide QR codes for people to access them
All seats and high touch points will be sanitised before the show
The maximum number of people inside the theatre will not exceed 55 people including cast and crew (the theatre is 220m2 which gives 4m2 per person for 55 people). We will cap audience members at 40 seats
All seats will be placed physically distant from each other unless audience members are from the same household
Post show
Audience will be encouraged to vacate the theatre immediately after the conclusion of the show
All seats and high touch points will be sanitised after the show